All reviews are my 100% honest opinion. Results are different for everyone, so my experience with products mentioned on the blog do not guarantee that it will be the same to you. I am not responsible for any harm or damages to you or other person.
All the photos on this blog are taken by myself. You can download and use these pictures for your own needs as long as the links and credits are still intact. It would be much appreciated too if you would link back to the original post or the blog whenever retrieving/posting images from Pyokkibun. Please do not remove my watermark on the pictures. It would also be appreciated if you e-mail me beforehand and ask for permission.
This blog is PR-friendly. I get sent products from companies, and that will always be mentioned within the post itself. If there is no disclaimer in the post, it means that it is a personal purchase or a gift from someone. However, none of this will affect my opinion on the product(s). I will always give 100% honest opinion on all my reviews no matter what circumstances.
This blog contains affiliate marketing links too. I may earn a commission from clicks or sales of products that I link in my posts, if you do not like that, don't click the links. However, none of this would affect the content of the blog post or my opinion on the products itself.